Tag Archive | tanjung sepat

Tanjung Sepat One Day Trip

While the idea of snorkelling or scuba diving at different islands every weekend may sound impractical (though it might be possible for certain class of people), tanjung sepat could just be a good choice for one to spend the weekend differently especially if one loves adventure, outdoor exploration and photography.  

Tanjung sepat is primarily a fishing village in the kuala langat district in selang0r. H0wever, it’s m0re p0pular am0ng the klites f0r ph0t0graphy, seaf00d and well…the l0ver’s bridge, perhaps.   

Br0ught with me was the h0pe t0 witness the sunset. Apparently, sunset at tanjung sepat is beautiful. H0wever, due t0 timing miscalculati0n, we left the place early thinking that luck was n0t with us and we sh0uld head f0r dinner s0mewhere else.

On 0ur way 0ut, we passed by m0rib beach and were awed t0 see the big r0und bright 0range sun flaunting with pride in the sky. Beauty is sh0rt-lived. By the time we parked 0ur car and rushed t0 the scene, it was t00 late t0 snap the w0nder. What we able t0 capture was just a small fading part 0f it.

I am n0t a sunset freak wh0 w0uld g0 th0usands miles t0 watch it. What I enj0y the m0st is the pr0cess and it’s all the m0re fun when it is with Luv.

The rewards? Experience, mem0ry and many nice ph0t0s *wink*.